AVENTICS™ Series ACCU Actuators

Product Description

The AVENTICS Series ACCU is an economical pneumatic linear actuator line that contains an internal linear resistive transducer. The actuators are ideal for applications where traditional magnetic position sensing is not acceptable. Additionally, ACCU Series actuators are recommended where variations in cylinder stroke and speed are required or where an application calls for continuous position monitoring.


1 1/2", 1-1/16", 2", 2 1/2", 3 1/4", 4", 5", 6", 8"
Operating Environment
Corrosive, Hazardous, Indoor, Outdoor, Washdown
Max Operating Pressure
100 psi (air)


  • Continuous position monitoring through internal linear resistive transducer (LRT)
  • Scalable output of 4-20 mA or 0-10 VDC
  • Scalable input of 120 VAC or 12-24 VDC
  • Designed for applications in air ride suspension systems, analytical and diagnostic equipment, biofuels, bottling, and commercial kitchen equipment