Enardo-P-Model ES-665-HF

Enardo™ Model ES-665-HF Thief Hatch

Product Description

The Model ES-665-HF high-performance thief hatches is a step forward in thief hatch performance, engineered to provide higher flow capacity and designed with sealing technology to provide a higher level of protection against thief hatch product leakage and fugitive emissions.


  • Enhanced Sealing Technology
  • Tank Gauging
  • Pressure Control
  • Vacuum Control


Leakage rate not to exceed 0.1 SCFH at 90% of setpoint
Pressure Settings
6, 8, 12 and 16 oz./sq. in.
Vacuum Settings
0.4, 0.9 and 3.5 oz/sq in
Bolt Pattern
8 in. API
Casting: Aluminum (non-sparking)
Pressure Gasket: HNBR (standard), Viton and Fluorosilicone
Vacuum Gasket: Fluorosilicone (standard) and Viton
Optional Equipment: Base Gasket, Bolt Set and Non-Corrosive Coating
Approximate Shipping Weight
29 Ibs. / 13.2 kg

Documents & Drawings