Fisher™ A31A Cryogenic High Performance Butterfly Valve

Product Description

This product is now obsolete. Contact your local an Emerson sales office for more information.



  • Developed as a valve/actuator packing with a double D drive shaft to allow easy, direct mounting to a rack and pinion actuator, eliminating the need for external coupling systems.
  • Concentric rotation ensures that the valve disk remains in the closed position, even in the event of line pressure surges or actuator failure.
  • The torque necessary to open and close the valve is the same, regardless of the direction in which the differential pressure is applied.
  • Interchangeability of all parts, including shafts and disks, simplifies service and reduces maintenance costs.
  • Seal retainer screws are located so there is no interference with the sealing function of either flat sheet or spiral-wound line flange gaskets.
  • The valve body self-centers on the line flange bolts as a fast, accurate means of centering the valve in the pipeline.


PED, CRN, Fugitive Emission
Critical Service
General Service
Flow Characteristics
Carbon Steel, Stainless, Alloy
Operating Temperature
Cryogenic, Standard Temperature, High Temperature
Power Source
Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Lever, Gear, Electro-Hydraulic
Pressure Class
Process Connection Type
Flanged, Single Flanged, Double Flanged, Lugged, Wafer
Seat / Seal Type
Metal, Soft
Shutoff Class
Class VI (FCI 70-2)
Live Loaded, Adjustable Packing
Valve Size
NPS 3, NPS 4, NPS 6, NPS 8, NPS 10, NPS 12, NPS 14, NPS 16, NPS 18, NPS 20, NPS 24
Valve Size Standard
Other Configurations
Contact your local Emerson business partner or sales office to learn about additional specifications or options for this product.

Documents & Drawings