Micro Motion-CDM100P

Micro Motion CDM100P Compact Density Meter, Nickel Alloy C22

Product Description

A Nickel Alloy C22 with 316SS fittings, fiscal density and concentration meter, designed for custody transfer and concentration measurement.


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Accuracy (liquid)
±0.1 kg/m³ (±0.0001 g/cm³)
±0.02 kg/m³ (±0.00002 g/cm³)
Operating density range
0–3000 kg/m³ (0–3 g/cm³)
Sensor maximum working pressure
150 barg (2,175 psig) or flange limit
Operating temperature range
–58 °F to +400 °F (–50 °C to +204 °C)
Flow rate indication (velocity)
Accuracy:±5% of reading with 10:1 turndown
Nominal flow rate (bidirectional):13 m³/h
Nominal velocity (bidirectional):10 m/sec (32.8 ft/sec)
Process connections:316L stainless steel
Measurement tubes:Nickel alloy C-22 (or UNS 06022)
Sensor housing:316L stainless steel
Transmitter housing: Polyurethane-painted aluminum
Local display (optional)
Segmented two-line LCD screen.
Can be rotated on transmitter, in 90-degree increments, for ease of viewing.
Suitable for hazardous area operation.
Optical switch controls for hazardous area configuration and display.
Glass lens.
&Three-color LED indicates meter and alert status.
Display functions
View process variables.
View and acknowledge alerts.
Configure mA and RS-485 outputs.
Supports Known Density Verification (KDV).
Supports multiple languages.
Transmitter output channels
Available output channels (depending on the Electronics Interface option):
One or two externally powered (passive) 4–20 mA outputs
Channel A is 4–20 mA + HART
Channel B is 4–20 mA
One externally powered (passive) Time Period Signal (TPS) output
One externally powered (passive) Discrete output
One Modbus/RS-485 output Can also be ordered with a processor for use with a remote-mount 2700 FOUNDATION fieldbus
Meter approvals, calibrations, and certifications
Agencies & types of approval available:


  • Achieve superior real-world performance with elevated and combined temperature and pressure calibration
  • Ensure sample integrity with flow-rate indication
  • Reduce measurement errors and minimize negative installation effects with case RTDs that adjust for ambient temperature
  • Rely on compliance and compatibility to global standards - NACE, NORSOK, MID, ISO/IEC 17025
  • Quickly install and verify meter health with intelligent internal diagnostics
  • Support multiple protocols for connection to DCS, PLC and flow computers including HART, Modbus, and FOUNDATIONTM Fieldbus
  • Expand usage with a hazardous area-approved, head-mounted transmitter that supports local configuration and display
  • Interact with our 3D model to learn more about our Compact Density Meters
  • Interact with our detailed schematic tool to learn more about our Dedicated Density and Viscosity Meters

Documents & Drawings