O-Z/Gedney™ Class 681 Aluminum Bus Boxes

Product Description

O-Z/Gedney™ Class 681 aluminum bus boxes provide a simple means of tapping a feeder circuit through the use of bus and lug assemblies. Bus and lug assemblies are available in a number of sizes, and arrangements and ample space is provided for cable bends. All lugs are solderless type, with each assembly mounted on a pan that can be removed to give additional space for cable pulling. Enclosures have sufficient wall thickness for conduit openings on all sides.


  • Explosionproof
  • Class 681 bus boxes are built at our factory by installing a bus lug assembly into NJBEW, IF or IG copperfree aluminum junction boxes
  • Arrangement choice of three phase, 3-wire or three phase, 4-wire
  • Wide range lug sizes
  • Easy cable pulling
  • Removable pan assembly
  • Ample space wiring
  • Solderless lugs and staggered lug arrangement make installation faster


NEC Certifications and Compliances
Class II, Division 1 and 2, Groups E, F, G; Class III; NEMA 4, 9EFG
Standard Materials and Finishes
Cast copperfree (4/10 of 1% max.) aluminum bodies and covers with epoxy powder coat finish and stainless steel cover bolts