Emerson-P-Simultaneous Metered Blenders

Simultaneous Metered Blenders

Product Description

Simultaneous Metered Blenders are a small pipeline skidded solution utilizing Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters and controls to dose the correct ratio of components into a header at the same time before discharging for further mixing. With Emerson's best-in-class technology incorporated into your solution, you can save time while producing more.


Mid-Range Volume Batches in Lubricant Blending
Up to 2,500-25,000 US gallons or 8-85 Mtons
Dosing Accuracy
Typically, at least ± 0.05%
Dosing Technology
Micro Motion Coriolis Meters
Carbon Steel
Scope of Work
Process Engineering/Design, Performance Guarantee, Equipment Supply Procurement, Project Management, Fabrication, Testing, Startup/Commissioning, Training, Lifecycle Services and Support
Scope of Supply
Turnkey, Integrated systems with a performance guarantee. System features mass flow meters, piping, valves, instrumentation, wireless instrumentation, pumps, wiring, and control system
Bulk Liquids such as Base Oils, Chemical Additives, and Lubricants


  • Dose at higher accuracies and faster speeds with Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters
  • Reduce installation costs and time with Rosemount Wireless technologies
  • Improve installation flexibility with compact skid design that has relatively low floor load requirements
  • Reduce contamination with a product feed network of piping that offers optional separation by product group

Documents & Drawings