Flexim-FLUXUS F601 The Portable Multi-Functional Flow Meter

Flexim FLUXUS F601 Portable Multi-Functional Flow Meter

Product Description

The Flexim FLUXUS F601 is measurement ready in 5 minutes and is the portable clamp-on flow meter of choice for servicing and maintenance activities, the control and auditing of measurement points not covered by permanent meters, or even the temporary replacement of permanently installed flow meters. With its Li-Ion battery, the F601 allows for over 14 hours of autonomous measurement. Matched and paired transducers as well as sophisticated algorithms correct for pipe wall echoes and wrong transducer positioning, thus ensuring reliable and highly accurate measurements - even under the most demanding application conditions.


Measurement uncertainty of the measuring system (volumetric flow rate): ±1 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s
0.15 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s
Flow velocity range 0.03 to 82 ft/s
only safe area
Power Supply
Li-ION 7.2V/6.2Ah Operat. time >25h
Transducers Available
Shear wave
Pipe Size
0.24 inch to 255.9 inch
Temperature Range
-40°F to +392°F / WI: -328°F to +1112°F
4-20mA active/passive
4-20mA passive
Communication Protocol
Modbus RTU


  • Rugged for its usage in rough industrial environments - with two flow channels as standard
  • Fast measurement: No zero point calibration necessary thanks to Plug & Play transducer recognition (EPROM)
  • Maximum flexibility for a broad application range with only two pairs of transducers
  • Bi-directional measurement for nearly all pipe materials and nearly all liquid media - huge internal database
  • Ideal solution also for thermal energy / BTU metering
  • Accurate and reliable measurement even under difficult flow conditions due to the new HybridTrek mode
  • High degree of flexibility, e.g. for energy metering, data logging, various In-/Outputs, recording of ext. pressure data 

Documents & Drawings