DeltaV v15
Take Advantage of DeltaV Version 15, now with Feature Packs 1 & 2

DeltaV Version 15 offers ultimate scalability and greater performance so you can drive business needs now—and in the future.

DeltaV Live Flyer

Featured Technologies

DeltaV Live

Learn about the recent enhancements to the most advanced and intuitive HMI.

DeltaV Live Flyer
DeltaV AgileOps

Achieve the consistency, insight, and reliability needed to maintain operational efficiency.

DeltaV AgileOps
DeltaV Flex System

This subscription presents businesses—like OEMs—an easy, cost-effective way to procure, operate, & maintain a fully functional DeltaV system for their small system. 

DeltaV PK Flex Controller
DeltaV Edge Environment

Easily access and leverage real-time, secure, contextualized DeltaV data to drive operational improvements.

DeltaV Edge Environment
DeltaV Mimic

Reduce the cost, risk, and complexity of operations using dynamic simulation with DeltaV Mimic.

DeltaV Mimic
DeltaV Discrete Event Simulation

Bottom-up, highly-adaptable discrete event simulation platform for your facility that enables automated debottlenecking analysis, rapid capacity analysis, scenario evaluation, and supply chain planning.

Discrete Event Simulation

Explore DeltaV Solutions

Distributed Control System (DCS)
Safety Instrumented System (SIS)
Manufacturing Execution System
Operations Management Software
SCADA Systems Banner

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