Emerson accessories in action


Accessories tailored for specific valve types and applications to meet customer specifications

Essential Support for Automated Solutions

Superior valve and valve system technology requires superior connections and supporting components. Emerson recognizes the details and last-mile accessories complete the best applications and make customization easier. We engineer our fittings, flow controls, gauges, switches, assemblies and other accessories with the same precision and expertise that distinguishes our core offerings to create the most reliable, end-to-end application solutions

Programmable logic controller for precision equipment in industrial application

Smart technologies are integrating with pneumatic applications

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Media & Case Studies

With AVENTICS Advanced Valve System AV, Emerson offers a modular valve system that serves multiple applications and can be used even in tight spaces.

Car manufacturing plant with brake lines construction and testing

Automation Injects Speed into Automotive Assembly

A automotive supplier building brake lines needed an automation expert to outfit air-testing machines and build up plug-and-play capability

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