
Rosemount 8600DF060 Utility Vortex Flow Meter, 6 Inch (DN150)

Product Description

Optimized for cost-effective general purpose flow metering and clean fluid applications including steam, air, water and nitrogen.


Flowmeter Accuracy
± 0.75% of volumetric rate for liquids
± 1% of volumetric rate for gas and steam
± 2% of rate for mass flow on steam using 8600 MultiVariable (MTA option)
4-20 mA with HART® 5
4-20 mA with HART® 5 and scalable pulse output
Wetted Material
Stainless Steel - CF3M
Flange Options
ANSI Class 150 to 300 DIN PN 10 to PN 40 JIS 10K to 40K Flanges are available in a variety of facings
Operating Temperatures
-58°F to 482°F (-50°C to 250°C)
Line Size
Flanged - 1-in to 8/-in (25 to 200 mm)


  • Ensure reliability and cut costs with no moving parts to repair or maintain
  • Eliminate impulse lines and plugging issues with inline technology
  • Simplify installation with no impulse lines or field calibration or zeroing required
  • Cover a broad span of flow rates with wide rangeability
  • Electronics verification enables simplified troubleshooting
  • Perform easy maintenance with replaceable sensors
  • Remote mount electronics offered for easy access

Documents & Drawings