Three Strategies Optimize Condition Monitoring

The right automated continuous condition monitoring, coupled with expert analytics support, unlocks performance improvement and provides fast return on investment.

Running a plant without continuous condition monitoring is typically at odds with the strategies companies need to meet sustainability goals and remain competitive in a global marketplace. However, until recently, the equipment needed to monitor all a plant’s assets—especially the most remote equipment—was costly and required specialized expertise to install and maintain. 

Today, that paradigm has changed. More sensors with more options are available than ever before. When a reliability team selects the right technologies, even the most remote assets can be quickly, easily, and cost-effectively brought into a plant’s continuous condition monitoring program to ensure that maintenance teams are monitoring reliability—end to end—24/7. Read more in the February 2023 issue of Efficient Plant featuring Emerson’s Erik Lindhjem, vice president, general manager, reliability solutions.

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