Hero - H003 - Clean-in-Place Steam-in-Place

Clean-in-Place / Steam-in-Place

Reliably clean equipment with processes that optimize chemical use and minimize cleaning time for limited disruption.

Effectively Clean Process Equipment with Enhanced Control

Ensuring the efficacy of CIP/SIP processes for a biomanufacturing facility requires precise measurement and control. Without the right systems in place, managing the sequencing of lines and vessels for cleaning while optimizing production can be a scheduling challenge. Emerson’s process equipment and control systems provide a lower-cost, regulatory-compliant solution that increases efficiency, improves safety by reducing cross-contamination, and offers greater assurance of product quality.

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Solutions in Action


Effective sterilization of a facility’s lines and vessels is largely dependent on CIP/SIP processes reaching and maintaining specific temperatures. Deviations in temperature or inaccurate readings from faulty equipment can diminish the efficacy of these processes and lead to contamination that results in loss of product. Emerson’s comprehensive set of temperature management technologies ensures accurate, repeatable temperature measurements with robust equipment that withstands harsh conditions.


Precise control of pressure during steam-in-place procedures ensures efficacy by achieving saturated steam supplies as well as minimizing pressure differential across filters so that filter integrity is maintained. Emerson’s wide array of innovative and robust pressure-management solutions provide enhanced sensing, measurement and control capabilities while meeting tough process requirements to reduce cross-contamination, assure compliance with regulations and keep personnel safe.


Automatic, reproducible and reliable delivery of cleaning solutions and rinse water through process equipment and piping requires precise, accurate flow control. An inability to maintain established flow rates necessary for cleaning can result in bacterial growth and cross-batch contamination. Emerson’s portfolio of flow control solutions maintains and validates flow rates for clean-in-place processes to ensure effective cleaning of process equipment and regulatory compliance.

Cleaning/Steaming Segment Management

Ensuring effective sanitation and sterilization is a complex process. Creation and distribution of required acid and caustic solutions, water and steam along with coordination of appropriate segment CIP/SIP cycles can be challenging. Emerson’s distributed control systems allow CIP/SIP demand to be integrated into a plant’s control system strategy, and its manufacturing execution systems enable electronic record-keeping such as configuration methods and calibration events to ensure compliance.

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