The Rosemount 56 Dual Channel Transmitter is a line powered device that can accept inputs from pH/ORP sensors, ion selective electrode (ISE) sensors, flow, current, conductivity (contacting and toroidal) sensors, turbidity sensors, dissolved oxygen sensors, chlorine sensors and ozone sensors.
Application Data Sheet: Comprehensive Liquid Analytical Solutions for Bottled Water Industry
Application Data Sheet: Comprehensive Liquid Analytical Solutions for Bottled Water Industry-Europe
Application Note: Conductivity Measurement for Interface Detection in Separators
Application Note: Conductivity Measurement in Chemical Concentration Control
Application Note: Conductivity Measurement in Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing
Application Note: Heat Exchanger Leak Detection Using Conductivity and pH
Application Note: Liquid Analysis Measurements for Cooling Water Control
Application Note: Liquid Analysis Measurements for Wet Gas Scrubbers
Application Note: Monitoring Steam Purity in Power Plants-Part 1
Application Note: pH Measurement in Chlor-alkali Plants
Application Note: pH Measurement in Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching in Paper Mills
Application Note: pH Measurement in Corn Processing
Application Note: pH Measurement in Industrial Waste Neutralization
Application Note: pH Measurement in Paper Mill Headbox
Product Data Sheet: 56 Dual Channel Transmitter | Rosemount
Article: Do More with Multiparameter Analyzers | Rosemount
Article: Effective conductivity analysis in the CIP process for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Article: Evaluating Analytical Instrumentation Can Reap Big Rewards for Water Plants
Article: Improved Conductivity Analysis in Desalination Processes
Article: The Importance of Instrumentation
Manual: FCLi Free Chlorine System with 56 Analyzer | Rosemount
Manual: MCL Monochloramine Measurement with 56 Analyzer | Rosemount
Manual: Rosemount 56 Advanced Dual-Input Analyzesr
Manual: TCL Total Chlorine System with Rosemount 56 Transmitter
Quick Start Guide : Rosemount 56
- Visit Software & Drivers Portal
Device Install Kit: GSD: 56 Profibus Advanced Dual Input Analyzer Rev 1 PBDP Profibus version 1.03 | Rosemount
Device Install Kit: GSD: 56 Profibus Advanced Dual Input Analyzer Rev 1 PBDP Profibus version 1.04 | Rosemount
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Liquid Analysis
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Liquid Analysis
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Liquid Analysis
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