Gas & Flame Detection in Refrigeration Facilities

Gas detection and flame detection safety solutions for the food and beverage industry
Refrigeration Facilities

Detect Ammonia Gas Leaks & Fires

Refrigeration facilities in the food and beverage industry keep food cool for long periods of time. These facilities often use ammonia based cooling systems, as ammonia is efficient and economical for large scale food processing and storage. Ammonia is flammable if released in an enclosed space, with a source of ignition present, or if a vessel of anhydrous ammonia is exposed to fire. It is also highly toxic above 500 parts per million (ppm). Gas detection and monitoring systems must be in place to detect the presence of ammonia before it reaches dangerous concentration. The Rosemount™ 936 Open Path Toxic Gas Detector provides continuous monitoring for ammonia gas and has long range detection up to 200 ft (60 m). Rosemount 975HR flame detectors can detect hydrocarbon-based fuel and gas fires at long distances with a high immunity to false alarms.

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