Accelerate your business or operational goals by connecting with one of our industry or product experts. Leveraging the expertise of Emerson’s experts makes it easier and faster to get the information you need at a time that is convenient for you. Our experts can assist with specific product questions, explain how certain products fit within your existing process and even recommend complete solutions or upgrades.

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How it Works

Chat With Someone
Get connected with one of our experts through live chat

Book A Meeting
Schedule a meeting for a time and date that works best for your schedule

Choose from several self-service options within the chat to quickly find the answers you need

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Quickly and easily find the answers you need

We’ve made it easy to schedule a meeting time or live chat directly with one of our experts. For meetings, the calendar will show within the conversation window, and you can choose a time that works for you. Once the meeting time is chosen, you will be sent a confirmation email.

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connect with our experts

Connect With Us

Pressure Measurement

Connect with an expert to learn about how our pressure measurement instruments aid in a variety of applications.

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Wireless Pressure measurement
wireless temperature measurement

Temperature Measurement

Connect with an expert to discover how our temperature measurement products provide accurate measurements and optimize operations across multiple applications.

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Industrial Wireless Technology

Connect with an expert and see how our Industrial Wireless Technology products can help improve areas such as safety, reliability, process optimization, and more.

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Wireless Infrastructure

Flow Measurement

Connect with an expert to discuss different flow technologies, such as Coriolis, Differential Pressure, Magnetic, Vortex, and Ultrasonic.

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Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring

Connect with an expert to discuss Corrosion & Erosion monitoring solutions within the refining, upstream oil and gas, chemical, and other industries.

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Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring
Gas Analysis


Connect with an expert to determine how our Flame & Gas, Gas Analysis, and Liquid Analysis products can improve safety and create solutions for application challenges.

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Level Measurement

Connect with an expert to explore different level measurement products, from Continuous Level Radar and Continuous Level Differential Pressure, to Point Level Detection and Solids Measurement.

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How do I get directly connected to an expert?
What information do I need to provide to schedule a meeting?
What can I expect if I book a meeting with one of Emerson’s experts?
How can I troubleshoot a product?
Where can I find the sizing tool?
Where can I find technical documents?
Where can I generate a quote?
Where can I find training?
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