Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
The Fisher 3582i is a field-proven positioner which is accurate, fast-responding, and able to withstand the vibrations of most plant environments. Low steady-state air consumption contributes to efficient operation.
The range of the adjustable zero and span permits the use of all standard input signals including split ranges.
Because units from one positioner family can be used in a variety of control applications, basic spare parts inventory requirements are simplified and fewer spare parts are needed to support a plant-wide positioner applications base.
With the cover removed, zero and span adjustments are easily accessible and can be made with a screw driver and spanner.
Changes in supply pressure and valve load have minimal effect on positioner operation.
Case, components, and gasket materials withstand harsh environments. Positioner bleed air purges internal parts for additional protection.
Simple adjustments permit switching between direct and reverse action.
To support diagnostic testing of valve/actuator/positioner packages with the FlowScanner™ valve diagnostic system, connectors, piping, and other hardware can be installed between the positioner and the actuator.
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