Micro Motion-PLK

ProLink III Configuration & Service Tool for Micro Motion and Rosemount Flow Meters

Product Description

Featuring an intuitive interface, the ProLink III Microsoft Windows-based software application empowers you to easily access all the information you may need to configure, assess and manage your Micro Motion and Rosemount flow meters.

Operating System
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista (with Service Pack 1 or later). Note: Windows XP (with ServicePack 3 or later) is compatible with ProLink III version 4.3 or earlier

iOS and Android tablet version available on iOS and Google Play stores. The tablet version is only compatible with the 5700 Config I/O transmitter with the Wi-Fi display option.
Hardware Requirements
• Processor-Pentium 4 or higher (1 GHz min, 2 GHz higher recommended)
• RAM- 1 GB min, 2 GB higher recommended
• Disk space-1 GB for 32-bit(x86) Windows, 2 GB for 64-bit (x64)Windows
• CD-ROM drive-4 or faster
Graphics Requirements
Video-24-bit color graphics or higher, 1024 x 768 display minimum, 1280 x 800 or higher widescreen format preferred
Communication Protocols
Protocol (physical layer), HART (Bell 202, RS-485), Modbus (RS-485), Modbus (USB), Modbus TCP (Ethernet)


  • Access a clear, concise data portrayal using an intuitive interface
  • Easily view calibration and configuration data in a printable report to quickly reference a device’s setup
  • Highlight process-control opportunities with an online process-variable-trending tool
  • Improve connectivity through HART, Modbus and Modbus/TCP support
  • Diagnose meters remotely using a Modbus/TCP connection
  • Simultaneously view process data from more than one meter
  • Reduce connection time to meters in hazardous areas with offline configuration
  • ProLink III Basic Software is included with each meter

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