Paine-P-320-12-0010 HP and HT Transducer

Paine™ 320-12-0010 Precision Pressure and Temperature Transmitter

Product Description

Engineered with the latest in micro-processor based technology, the Paine™ 320-12-0010 Precision Pressure and Temperature Transmitter provides digital measurements through an easy-to-use communication interface. This transmitter also features an all-welded small external form factor that is capable of operating in corrosive environments. With excellent long-term stability, this device offers reliable performance and accurate digital measurements in harsh application conditions.

Measurement Range
Up to 30000 psia (2069 bar)
Operating Temperature
-40 °F to 347 °F (-40 °C to 175 °C)
Process Media
Fluids and gases compatible with NO7718, solution annealed and aged to a maximum hardness of 40 HRC
Pressure Port/Fitting
Per MS33656-E3 except bore diameter


  • Micro-processor based technology provides precise digital measurements for optimal accuracy
  • Designed with a simple and easy-to-use communication interface for enhanced efficiency
  • Small external form factor is durable and withstands corrosive environments
  • High precision, digital transmitter engineered with long-term stability for consistent and reliable performance
  • Customizable transmitter options available for fit-for-use designs

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