
Válvula de gaveta de alta pressão estilo Fasani A

Product Description

Uma série de válvulas de gaveta robustas projetadas especificamente para aplicações no setor de energia



  • A range of compact pressure seal gate valves designed according to ASME B16.34.
  • All range is offered in four standard cast materials: WCB (generally used on feed water lines), WC6 and WC9 (both used on steam lines), C12A (proposed for high temp. applications).
  • End to end dimensions as per ASME B16.10 short pattern.
  • Available in wedge gate and parallel slide configurations.
  • Seats are welded in.
  • Position indicator is offered as standard.
  • Stellite® gr. 6 overlay on seat and wedge or disc; Stellite® gr. 21 overlay on backseat.
  • Pressure seal gasket has trapezoidal shape for a low load on bolting, and is supplied in graphite with integral stainless steel anti-extrusion protection.
  • Standard ISO top mounting for easy assembly of any type of actuator or bevel gear.
  • Available options: wedge vent hole or overpressure pipe, by-pass, limit switch in open or closed position.
  • Valves are offered as standard with manual operators (Hand wheel or bevel gear depending on size). Actuated options such as electric, pneumatic or hydraulic are available.
PED, NACE, India Boiler Registration, ASME B31.1
Conexão da extremidade
Solda a topo
Bombas, Válvulas e Manifolds, HRSG, Alta Temperatura, Caldeiras, Caldeira, Caldeira de Biomassa e Caldeira de energia, Instalações complementares
Design do corpo
Padrão longo
Liga, Aço carbono, Aço
Temperatura operacional
Alta temperatura, maior que 400 F (204 C)
Classe de pressão
Tipo de conexão de processo
Tipo de sede/vedação
Cunha, Corrediça Paralela, Metal-a-Metal
Classe de corte
Classe V (FCI 70-2)
ASME B16.34
Padrão do tamanho da válvula
Tipo de válvula
Porta, produto desenvolvido
Água, vapor, água quente
Gaxeta ajustável