Actionneur de vanne pneumatique à pignon et crémaillère Hytork Excel (XL)
Actionneur de vanne pneumatique à pignon et crémaillère Hytork Excel (XL)
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Cette action risque d’annuler votre devis. Voulez-vous poursuivre ? La poursuite de cette action convertira votre panier en commande standard afin que vous puissiez apporter des modifications.
Actuator internals are protected for corrosion with CEREMIGARD a ceramic-like finish of Di-Aluminium Tri-oxide (Al2O3).
A powder-coated surface treatment as standard on end caps and housing provides extra protection against aggressive environments.
All moving parts are protected by permanently lubricated and long-lasting DURASTRIP bearings to reduce friction and increases cycle life.
Plated with cobalt zinc, the steel pinion is protected from corrosion and features a unique stop design.
NAMUR mounting (VDE/VDI 3845) allows standardization of mounting hardware for a wide range of accessories.
Hytork XL actuator pinion drives are manufactured to ISO 5211 with a star drive to provide extra flexibility and simplicity for direct mounting to a valve.
Large internal air passages maximizes valve operating speeds and adds reliability by reducing potential blockage.
The visual position indicator is designed for indication at a glance and can easily be converted from across-line to in-line indication.
The bi-directional travel stops allow easy setting of the valve stroke which prevents premature valve failures.
Extra large rack and pinion tooth design promotes full tooth engagement. Assists gear tooth life by reducing stress and having precise gear tooth mesh.
XL Springs are designed and manufactured never to break. The nested design provides a balanced concentric force on the pistons.
Ce produit est uniquement destiné à une utilisation dans des installations fixes de grande échelle sortant du champ d’application de la Directive 2011/65/EU relative à la limitation de l'utilisation de certaines substances dangereuses dans les équipements électriques et électroniques (RoHS 2).
Type de contrôle
On/Off, Positioning, Modulating, ESD
Type de vanne
Ball, butterfly, plug and any other quarter turn application
Température de service
Standard -20°C to +100°C (-4°F to +212°F). Optional high and low temperature options
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