
About Rosemount™ 3051S Advanced Diagnostics

Rosemount 3051S Advanced Diagnostics

Visão geral do diagnóstico avançado

Os diagnósticos avançados do Rosemount 3051S fornece tanto a tecnologia de monitoramento estatístico do processo (SPM) quanto a de diagnóstico da linha de alimentação para criar uma cobertura de diagnóstico sem precedentes. A tecnologia SPM monitora e identifica, de forma proativa, as condições anormais em processos, equipamentos e conexões enquanto o diagnóstico da linha de alimentação monitora continuamente a integridade da malha elétrica. A combinação dessas tecnologias permite práticas melhoradas de manutenção preventiva, aumento da produtividade e redução do custo total de propriedade.

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Como funciona?

Statistical Process Monitoring

Uncover hidden process issues with the Statistical Process Monitoring (SPM) of the Rosemount 3051S. This patented SPM technology is designed to track changes in process standard deviation, mean, and coefficient of variation to proactively detect and decipher process noise levels and help diagnose abnormal conditions, such as flame instability, plugged impulse lines, cavitation, and much more. This intelligent process insight also helps improve preventative maintenance practices, quality control, and productivity.

Linhas de impulso entupidas

Garanta que seu transmissor tenha visibilidade para as condições do processo com o diagnóstico de linhas de impulso entupidas. As linhas de impulso podem entupir com materiais sólidos ou se congelar em ambientes frios, bloqueando efetivamente o sinal de pressão e deixando-o insensível às alterações no processo. Utilizando tecnologia patenteada de processamento estatístico, o diagnóstico de linhas de impulso entupidas ajuda proativamente a identificar problemas de conexão de processo. Isso elimina manutenção desnecessária e permite um cronograma de manutenção preventiva otimizado.

Power Advisory

Detect potential failures with the optional Power Advisory Diagnostics of the Rosemount 3051S. Power Advisory Diagnostics verifies the electrical performance of the 4-20 mA loop at installation and then continuously monitors for changes to identify connection issues. This diagnostic coverage helps detect conditions such as corroded terminals and unstable power supplies, which can compromise the integrity of the output signal and jeopardize operations. In Safety Instrumented Systems, Power Advisory Diagnostics can reduce the risk of undetected failures.

Safety Certified Diagnostics

The Safety Certified Diagnostics of the Rosemount 3051S improves safety compliance by combining a High Safe Failure Fraction with broad diagnostic coverage. These comprehensive diagnostic capabilities help ensure reliable operation for your safety instrumented systems to reduce total cost of ownership and extend proof test intervals. This technology detects internal transmitter failures as well as previously undetectable process and electrical loop failures, reducing the Safety Instrumented Function Probability of Failure on Demand.

Logging Capabilities

The Rosemount 3051S features Event Logging with Time Stamp capability. This ensures that previously unreported pressure and temperature irregularities are accurately recorded, aiding investigation into troublesome process or installation conditions. In addition, Event Logging Capabilities offer essential device information to help improve troubleshooting and decision-making. This comprehensive record of status events provides enhanced insight into the process and health of the device.

Process Alerts

The Process Alerts of the Rosemount 3051S increase awareness of potential process issues, providing critical information to enable better decision-making. These advanced alerts actively monitor process pressure and sensor temperature values against user-configured settings and, when these alerts are triggered, are reported back to the control system. This immediate information offers enhanced insight into the process and can be used to effectively troubleshoot a problematic process or installation.


This video shows the capability of the Power Advisory Diagnostic on the Rosemount 3051S and 3051 Pressure Transmitters. The Power Advisory Diagnostic continuously monitors the electrical loop to detect changes that compromise the integrity of the...

Discover how Statistical Process Monitoring on the Rosemount 3051S can be set up and used to detect common problems in the processing industry.

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