Anderson Greenwood-P-P000016

Válvula seletora de segurança Anderson Greenwood

Product Description

Um sistema duplo de dispositivo de alívio de pressão que fornece um método seguro e eficaz de comutação de uma PRV ativa para um modo de espera, mantendo a proteção contra a sobrepressão do sistema


  • Provides high Cv values, resulting in less than 3% pressure drop to the active PRV inlet, reducing destructive valve chatter.
  • One minimally sized penetration into the vessel or pipe reduces costs.
  • Reduces field installation costs and space requirements through preassembled and compact design.
  • Provides process isolation of standby PRV.
  • Allows PRV maintenance without process shutdown.
  • Bleed valve under each PRV vents entrapped process effectively and safely prior to removal for maintenance.
  • Clear, positive indication of active PRV.
  • Foolproof provisions for dual padlocking in either PRV position.
  • Tested packing design and minimal leak points reduce fugitive emissions.
  • No seat lapping required for maintenance. Minimal spare parts reduce cost of ownership.
  • Simple operation with built-in seat equalization and no special tools minimizes total valve operating time.
  • Tandem system available for dual PRV's discharging to a closed header system.

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