Kunkle Valve-P-P000963

Válvula Kunkle série 6000 - Válvulas de alívio e segurança

Product Description

Válvulas de segurança em bronze para ASME seção I e VIII para vapor, "V" e "UV"; seção VIII para ar/gás, "UV", certificadas pelo Conselho Nacional, incluindo modelos para ASME seção IV para vapor "HV". Certificação PED para gases não perigosos


  • O-ring seats available for exceptional leak-free performance, reduced maintenance cost, multiple cycles with tight shutoff and improved seating integrity.
  • Heavy duty casting.
  • Wide hex on valve nozzle provides clearance for easy installation.
  • Seats lapped to optical flatness.
  • Dual control rings offer easy adjustability for precise opening with minimum pre-open or simmer and exact blowdown control.
  • Pivot between disc and spring corrects misalignment and compensates for spring side thrust.
  • Grooved piston type disc reduces sliding area and friction.
  • Heavy duty lift lever assembly.
  • Each valve tested and inspected for pressure setting and leakage.