Turn Data into Operational Intelligence

For 40 years, OSIsoft’s PI System™ has been helping the world's leading industrial organizations access, visualize and leverage their operational data. A scalable, real-time data infrastructure, the PI System extends the DeltaV environment by consolidating data from disparate systems into a single platform to enable digital transformation.

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Turn Data into Operational Intelligence
Predictive Insights in Real Time

Predictive Insights in Real Time

The PI System collects, analyzes, visualizes and shares large amounts of high-fidelity, time-series data across the entire enterprise. By accessing key data and insights, the PI System continuously improves efficiency, asset health, resource utilization, quality and safety.

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Benefits from the PI System

With the PI System, OSIsoft customers have reduced costs, opened new revenue streams, extended equipment life, increased production capacity, and more. Learn how industry leaders are using the PI System to transform their world.

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C045 Benefits from the PI System
Proven Results for 40 years

Find Your Industry

Over 1,000 leading utilities, 95 percent of the largest oil and gas companies and more than 65 percent of the Fortune 500 industrial companies rely on the PI System to get the most out of their businesses.

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PI System Capabilities

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